Our adventure to Kings Canyon and hike out of Road's End (yes the end of the road) took us on the most unique and challenging backpacking trip of a lifetime.
Tim picked this trail and decided we should try a lollipop trail. ( a loop) These means you keep your backpack on every day. The Rae Lakes Loop is a very popular track in the Sierras. What Tim didn't notice is the elevation start and the elevation at the top of the pass. On our second day (already committed) we looked at the map and did the math. If we started at 5,000 feet and the pass was almost at 12,000 feet, we would have 7,000 feet of elevation gain. It took us 5 days to cover the 40 mile journey and yes we did it! Yes we are amazed at ourselves. Hiking 8 miles a day is very easy but if you add 2000 feet of elevation into those steps, the workout begins. Then put a 30-40 pound pack on the back and each step is work.
Along the way we saw deer everyday and twice we encountered bears. We had a lot of answered pray along the way. While camped at 10,000 feet and after a very look like rain all day, we asked God to have the rain wait until we could set up our tent. It rained all night and we stayed dry! The forecast for snow also didn't happen which would have been very dangerous for us on the rocky trail the following day or be unable to find the trail. Either way, back or forward, was 20 miles out of the wilderness to get back to the car.
Pictures will be unable to describe the landscape and the breathtaking views. We will be unable to fully describe reaching our physical limits. For me it was the uphill pass and being very winded and tired. For Tim, the downhill caused strain on all joints and last mile taking him to end of limits.
We had time to reflect on our journey as each day was full of taking one step at a time and giving thanks to God for each step and that we could do it. While we we enjoyed our days together, the 23rd Psalm became alive as we walked green meadows and walked beside streams and rivers and experienced a path that guided us.
Hopefully will organize more photos for you soon but wanted to let you know, "All is Well!"