Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Door

Lots of chaos goes on behind this door because we have a little girl who is almost 1 YEAR old. Hard to believe it's been that long already; it feels like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday! Sianna loves to see how gravity works by pulling DVDs and books off the shelves, and she's fascinated with Ziploc bags (she's redecorated our kitchen floor many times with them and boy are they slippery!) and toilet paper. She's also experimented with being a kitty; she has drunk out of the cats' water fountain and nearly tasted kitty kibble before mommy could stop her (daddy just stands there laughing and wondering where the camera is so he can get a picture or video of it).

Rachel and Bryant (Fallbrook)

Behind our door is a huge mess, but its created by good times with friends and family, and being overly tired from a baby that doesn't always sleep.

Dace and Charis (Cypress)

Behind this door, there is much to behold
A love so precious, more valuable than gold.
So many possibilities we have yet to see,
behind this door, may come the first "mini me"!
A place to create good times with friends & family,
this couple shares their coffee with creamer happily.
This door will most likely not be the last,
 but one of many holding cherished memories from the past.


The First Door
This is the door that the Krause family has entered and exited for 22 years. 3 children grew up behind this door and now bring families back through this door. Behind this door are 2 people who love each other and enjoy welcoming others inside! Oh the stoires this door could tell.......

Monday, August 22, 2011

Backpacking Clicks Creek to Grey Meadow

Well, can't figure out how to give you a picture of 22 miles of beauty, sweat on the uphill, the howling coyotes or the unbelievable night sky with billions of stars. So just a few frames of the weekend.....

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Thursday, August 11, 2011


There is a story the progression of pics....